Drugreporter og INPUD (International Network of People Using Drugs) har laget en dokumentarserie om brukerorganisasjoner.
I episode 3. møter du Arild Knutsen i Foreningen for human narkotikapolitikk, Jørgen Kjær i den danske Brugerforeningen og Dirk Schäffer i tyske JES Network.
Episoden kommer dagen før Den Internasjonale Minnedagen for Stoffbrukere, som er 21. juni.
Du får være med til sprøyterom i Oslo og København, høre om status for heroinassistert behandling, se filmklipp fra politiske aksjoner og opiumsmuseet til Brugerforeningen.
Og du får se intervju av helseminister Bent Høie fra da Norges myndigheter og Rusreformutvalgets leder Runar Torgersen presenterte den norske rusreformen for FNs narkotikakommisjon i Wien. Her forteller Høie om viktigheten av samarbeid mellom myndighetene og det sivile samfunn.
Drugreporter skriver på sin hjemmeside:
Drugreporter and INPUD present the third piece of an oral history of the movement of people who use drugs. This episode is about the achievement of drug user groups in Germany, Denmark and Norway.
This year JES network in Germany celebrated it’s 30th anniversary, and is one of the oldest drug user groups in the world. A member of the network, Dirk Schäffer tells us how with the support of Deutsche Aidshilfe, the JES drug user network contributed to the availability of harm reduction services in Germany, such as drug consumption rooms and heroin prescription program. The drug user groups in Denmark and Norway were also crucial to achieve the opening if these life services in their own countries. The Danish Drug Users Union (Brugerforeningen), with the leadership of Jørgen Kjær, has been a model for drug user organisations all over the world. The drug user groups in Norway, led by Arild Knutsen from the Association for Human Drug Policy, have changed the drug policy landscape significantly. Drug consumption rooms are available, heroin prescription and other innovative substitution programs will start in the country, and a major Drug Policy change happens right now, moving away from punitive measures, to a more humane and evidence based decriminalisation model, based on the experiences of Portugal.